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  • Bulk Buy Deals

  • 20 x454g minces starting at £21.49 Plus great bulk buy deals!

Bulk Buy Deals

20 x454g minces starting at £21.49 Plus great bulk buy deals! BUY NOW


When Jaspa swallowed a corn cob with two skewers, our world turned upside down. The surgery, followed by weeks of pain and swelling, left us emotionally exhausted. Jaspa had to wear a cone, had inflamed ears, and a large wound on his head. His gut biome was wrecked from medication. By week seven, we were drained and desperate for a solution.

We turned to All Raw for guidance. They listened to our concerns without judgment and provided invaluable advice. We started with simple, gentle foods including steamed nutrment meals and fish bone broth. Tribal Biscuits helped add weight without causing bloating. Slowly, Jaspa’s energy returned, his wounds healed, and his bowels normalized. We began to see our old Jaspa again.

We’re planning to transition him back to Dougie’s Raw Food. Thanks All Raw for your support.
